
CIRS RD Briefing 44: Global drug development and regulatory review

Although it is the goal of most major pharmaceutical companies to achieve global development for new medicines with simultaneous submission of the regulatory dossier in the three main ICH [...]

2021-01-29T11:44:04+00:00December 2nd, 2004|Tags: |

CIRS RD Briefing 43: Current strategies in global drug development

A summary of the outcome of a survey carried out by the CMR International Institute for Regulatory Science among pharmaceutical companies. Although the pharmaceutical industry is moving towards integrated [...]

2021-01-29T11:44:17+00:00December 1st, 2004|Tags: |

CIRS RD Briefing 45: Regulatory timelines in Saudi Arabia

This unique study is the first in-depth analysis of the trends and changes in the regulatory approval times for medicines in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Not only have [...]

2021-01-29T11:32:26+00:00September 1st, 2004|Tags: |

CIRS RD Briefing 42: Changing regulatory environment

A summary of the outcome of a survey carried out by the CMR International Institute for Regulatory Science among pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies. There was consensus that the [...]

2021-01-29T11:49:19+00:00August 1st, 2004|Tags: |

CIRS RD Briefing 41 – Workshop on Regulatory Performance

Highlights from the workshop entitled 'Regulatory Performance: Critical Success Factors in Today’s Environment', held by the CMR International Institute for Regulatory Science in Washington D.C., 15-16 September 2003 In [...]

2021-02-08T14:26:15+00:00April 1st, 2004|Tags: |

CIRS RD Briefing 40 – Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics in drug development

Summarised results of a survey carried out among pharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies, by the CMR International Institute for Regulatory Science Pharmacogenetic (PGt) and pharmacogenomic (PGx) technologies are being [...]

2021-02-08T16:35:20+00:00December 2nd, 2003|Tags: |

CIRS RD Briefing 39 – Regulating personalised medicine

Highlights of the workshop "Regulating personalised medicine" organised by the CMR International Institute for Regulatory Science, Nutfield Priory, Surrey, UK, 14-15 April 2003 The unravelling of the human genome [...]

2021-02-08T16:35:36+00:00December 1st, 2003|Tags: |

CIRS RD Briefing 38 – Risk management

Highlights of the CMR International institute Workshop on Risk Management: The role of regulatory strategies in the development of new medicines, Washington DC, 12-13 December 2002 Following a number [...]

2021-02-12T12:05:12+00:00June 1st, 2003|Tags: |
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