If you missed it, you can watch the full webinar here, available in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Join us for a webinar on public assessment reports (PARs) on Tuesday 28 January

  • 9 AM Mexico, Central America
  • 10 AM EST, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
  • 12 PM Argentina, Brazil, Chile
  • 3 PM UK
  • 4 PM Europe

The World Health Organization recommends that National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) use public assessment reports (PARs) as key tools for risk-based analysis. However, many NRAs face challenges related to the availability and completeness of these reports.

The Centre for Innovation in Regulatory Science (CIRS) conducted an independent study, partially funded by the Latin American Federation of the Pharmaceutical Industry (FIFARMA), to evaluate whether the PARs from six reference NRAs (USA, EU, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, and Brazil) contain the necessary information to strengthen regulatory reliance.

Why attend?

  • Learn how regulatory reliance streamlines approvals, optimises resources, and accelerates access to safe and high-quality medicines.
  • Discover the key information NRAs need to perform risk-based evaluations, as outlined by a generic list developed by CIRS in their study.
  • Attendees will also gain insights into ANVISA, EMA, FDA, Health Canada, MHRA, Swissmedic, and TGA reports, which include relevant data for the application of regulatory reliance in the region.

This will be a webinar in Spanish, with interpretation available in English and Portuguese.