We’re pleased to announce that CIRS has published a new Research Agenda, which can be downloaded here.
This brochure outlines our research priorities for 2024-2026 as well as plans for our regulatory and HTA workstreams for 2024.
CIRS generated its 2024-2026 research plan with significant input from its Scientific Advisory Council and HTA Steering Committee. Priority areas were identified and fleshed out through meetings of Topic Groups in 2022-2023, which focused on patient engagement, expedited pathways and metrics.
Feedback from these groups, careful review of the landscape as well as conversations with various CIRS member companies, agencies and other stakeholders, were reviewed and organised into three main research themes. This research plan will be achieved through research projects, workshops and other meetings.
If you have any questions about CIRS research and our plans for 2024-2026, please get in touch with the Head of CIRS, Anna Somuyiwa: asomuyiwa@cirsci.org