In this workshop, CIRS brought together senior representatives from the international pharmaceutical industry, regulatory agencies, National Immunisation Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs), HTA agencies, payers and academia to identify challenges and opportunities to enable vaccine regulatory and funding approaches fit for the next decade.

This two-day workshop consisted of a series of sessions featuring presentations and panel discussions, as well as three parallel breakout discussions. The objectives were to:

  • Review and discuss the changing vaccine landscape and what the opportunities and challenges are within and across development, regulatory, HTA agencies and NITAGs.
  • Identify critical information gaps and how regulatory and HTA/NITAG systems need to evolve to accommodate new vaccine technologies.
  • Propose options and make recommendations on how to address policy challenges in the development, regulation, HTA and funding for vaccines.

This workshop synopsis summarises key messages and recommendations from the presentations and breakout discussions.

CIRS Vaccines Workshop synopsis front cover